Illustration Mundo Q&A
I answered some illustration-related questions for Illustration Mundo!
My Brother is a Big, Fat Liar Releases Today!
Hey, hey! That book, Middle School: My Brother is a Big, Fat Liar, that I illustrated releases TODAY! It's the perfect book for the youngster in your family. What are you waiting for? Go get a copy!
MICA Illustration Practice (MFA) Crit
I had a great opportunity yesterday to go to Baltimore and critique the second year students of MICA's Illustration Practice MFA program. There was some really incredible work. <div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>
Somebody Up There Hates You and The Time Fetch
A couple new book covers I worked on for Algonquin Young Readers are making the rounds now that they're publicly unveiled. <div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>
Print Magazine Article “The Pencil Factory: An Oral History”
The new issue of<em> Print </em>features a big ol' article about the Pencil Factory where my studio is located. <div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>
Middle School: My Brother is a Big, Fat Liar
One of the coolest things I've gotten to do so far in my illustration career was to illustrate Middle School: My Brother is a Big, Fat Liar by the prolific and equally talented author <a href="" target="_blank">James Patterson</a> and Lisa Papademetriou. <div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>
Whole Foods Illustration for Businessweek
I had the great fortune of being asked to illustrate a full spread for Businessweek about Whole Foods. <div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>
Il Messaggero Article
Nice write up/interview today from <em>Il Messaggero</em> about my work. <div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>
Society of Illustrators 55th Annual Exhibition
I had the honor of being asked to judge the editorial category this year for the Society of Illustrators 55th Annual Exhibition as a last-minute replacement. <div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>
Love in the Time of Global Warming
Here's a new cover I illustrated for Francesca Lia Bock's Love in the Time of Global Warming for Henry Holt and Company. <div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>
Your Dreams My Nightmares Interview
[soundcloud][/soundcloud] Sam Weber interviewed me for his podcast Your Dreams My Nightmares. I think it was not bad?
Jess and Russ
I meant to post this a while back, but here's an illustration I did for my friends Jess and Russ for their cool internet wedding invite which chronicles the story of their relationship. <div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>
Tuck Everlasting
New illustration inspired by the book, Tuck Everlasting, about a family that drinks from the Fountain of Youth located underneath the hollow of a tree.
Two New Lois Duncan Books
[spb_column width="1/2" el_position="first"] [spb_image image="2561" image_size="full" frame="noframe" intro_animation="none" animation_delay="200" fullwidth="no" lightbox="yes" link_target="_self" caption_pos="hover" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] [/spb_column] [spb_column width="1/2" el_position="last"] [spb_image image="2560" image_size="full" frame="noframe" intro_animation="none" animation_delay="200" fullwidth="no" lightbox="yes" link_target="_self" caption_pos="hover" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] [/spb_column] [spb_text_block animation="none" animation_delay="0" padding_vertical="0" padding_horizontal="0" width="1/1"
Saving the Sexiest for Last
Celebrating the final Mr. Wiggles comic, Rehabilitating Mr. Wiggles: Vol. 4 just went on sale! Over 160 comic strips, up to the very last one! Hot, hot, hot!
Annoying Orange
If you get a chance, make sure to check out ANNOYING ORANGE, premiering on Cartoon Network this Monday night at 8:30pm/7:30c. I wrote an episode later in the season and, if the show's a hit, I'll hopefully get to write
Hipster Edison
A new piece for Businessweek that came out a couple weeks ago where I was asked to "hipster-fy" a photo of Thomas Edison. Apparently, I'm working on a lot of projects revolving around him.
The Reinvention of Edison Thomas
Since the author just did the reveal on her blog, it looks like I'm finally allowed to show this Y.A. novel cover I illustrated and designed for Boyds Mills Press—The Reinvention of Edison Thomas. It was a quick, but fun