Wrapping up on Mr. Wiggles
After thirteen years, I'm retiring my long-running comic strip, Rehabilitating Mr. Wiggles. The final comic will run on June 25th. More details here.
Red Knit Cap Girl and Horseplay!
Here's a couple of new children's books I got to art direct and design.<div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="https://neilswaab.com/red-knit-cap-girl-and-horseplay/#more-1566" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>
A new set of illustrations for Bloomberg Businessweek about Brogrammers. They're bro's and they program.
Dead House
Here's a new album cover I recently completed for The Daily Pravda for their single Dead House. Regular followers of my work may also remember I did the cover for the full album as well.
Great Moments in “Reply All”
Here's a new set of illustrations I did recently for Bloomberg Businessweek about bad mistakes using "Reply all" in business emails.
The Drowned Cities
This was a cover I illustrated and designed a while back for Little, Brown that I'm finally able to post. <div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="https://neilswaab.com/the-drowned-cities/#more-1519" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>
Interviews and Press
I finally got around to adding interviews and press into my About section.
X-Mas Merch
With Thanksgiving coming this week, X-Mas is right around the corner. If you'd like anything from my store, please make sure to order before December 19th (U.S.) and December 15th (International) to make sure you get it in time for
Wuftoom for Houghton Mifflin
Here's a new book cover I illustrated for Houghton Mifflin called WUFTOOM. It's a Kafkaesque story about a boy who turns into a worm-like creature.<div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="https://neilswaab.com/wuftoom-for-houghton-mifflin/#more-1280" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>
New Parsons Class
I'm going to be teaching an additional section of my class, Digital Presentation, at Parsons this semester on Wednesdays. Looking forward to meeting the new students this week!
New site!
Hey there, internet peeps! So, I got me a funky fresh new site here. This semester at Parsons, I have to teach my class to make simple websites that will only take a few weeks to do, so I thought Wordpress would be a good platform for it. As such, I had to learn how to use it myself and figured I might as well overhaul my own site at the same time. The ol' practice what you preach approach.<div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="https://neilswaab.com/new-site/#more-1210" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>
Two New Covers
[gallery columns="2" link="file" ids="2547,2550"] Here are two new covers for Little, Brown that I illustrated and designed. I'm really enjoying working graphically, combining my art with typography like in The Boy Recession. <div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="https://neilswaab.com/two-new-covers/#more-120" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>
New Work
[spb_gallery gallery_id="3482" display_type="masonry" columns="3" fullwidth="no" gutters="yes" slider_transition="slide" show_thumbs="no" autoplay="no" show_captions="no" enable_lightbox="yes" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] [spb_text_block animation="none" animation_delay="0" padding_vertical="0" padding_horizontal="0" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] My second gig filling in at Little, Brown just ended. I've got a bunch of things I'm still working
If You Give a Dog a Donut
A book I designed recently for HarperCollins.
Little, Brown – Recent Work
Starting next week, I'm going to be returning to Little, Brown to fill in for another designer out on maternity leave for the next three months. In honor of that, I thought I'd post some recent covers I did for them. <div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="https://neilswaab.com/little-brown-recent-work/#more-95" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>
Family Circle
Here's an illustration I did in early December for Family Circle that I'm just getting around to posting now. It's about undeserved trophies.
Bloomberg Businessweek
New illustration for Bloomberg Businessweek about what your work shirt says about you.
King Con
I'll be participating in a panel called, "The Funny Pages: Comedy in Comics" with Lisa Hanawalt, Bob Fingerman, Michael Kuperman, and Emily Flake, and moderated by Alex Zalben this weekend (Saturday, November 6th) at the King Con convention in Brooklyn. <div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="https://neilswaab.com/king-con/#more-87" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>