Middle School: My Brother is a Big, Fat Liar
One of the coolest things I’ve gotten to do so far in my illustration career was to illustrate Middle School: My Brother is a Big, Fat Liar by the prolific and equally talented author James Patterson and Lisa Papademetriou. I spent six months of my life enveloped in the world of middle school, creating over 170 illustrations and comics for the lovely folk at Little, Brown and Company. It was, of course, a draining experience, but also incredible.
Like the other books in James Patterson’s Middle School series, the book is funny, poignant, and a darn good read. I’d highly recommend it for the younger girls in your household as well as the boys (she is in a rock band, after all). The book comes out on March 18, 2013, but you can preorder now on Amazon. All being well, I’ll hopefully get to illustrate another one!