April 2013

Starting tomorrow, I'll be filling in again for an art director out on maternity leave at Little, Brown and Company. So, for the next three months my availability for freelance work is going to be limited. <div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="https://neilswaab.com/back-at-little-brown-for-three-months/#more-3022" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>

Earlier this week I had the awesome pleasure of speaking at Syracuse University's Visual Communication Symposium. When I was an illustration student back in the day at S.U., it was my dream that someday I'd get to be one of the speakers myself. Well, I'm thrilled to say I can check that off the list.<div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="https://neilswaab.com/syracuse-university-visual-communication-symposium/#more-3015" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>

Here's a new illustration for<em> Bloomberg Businessweek</em> about making green living <a href="http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-04-04/with-clean-energy-default-rules-its-easy-being-green" target="_blank">easier to do</a> by having it be the default rather than something that requires effort. Basically, altering it so that green lifestyle choices become the lazy man's option. <div class="qodef-more-link-container"><a itemprop="url" href="https://neilswaab.com/its-easy-being-green/#more-3005" target="_self" class="qodef-btn qodef-btn-medium qodef-btn-solid"> <span class="qodef-btn-text">Continue reading</span> </a></div>